Monday, July 28, 2008

Wonderfull Weekend.

I must have gotten around 45 hours at work last week. That puts it at around $526 before the government gets there share. After work on Friday we went to the mermaid, bar right next to work. By we i mean a few of my coworkers a a boos or 3. I ended up taking off my shirt and showing off my "we are everywhere" tank that also have a picture of a rainbow on it. Like they don't think I'm gay already. But i had a lot of fun, so its all good.

On Sunday Justin, Timmy (my bro), and Sara (Tim's Girl) we all went to the Mall of America. Here's the catch thou. I went Dressed as a girl, or at least half way. I was waring Guys camo pants, Pink tank with a brown tank over it, and of course my new bra with my boobs. We had so much fun. You wouldn't believe how many looks i got. I was expecting to get looks but WOW. Not many people gave me a condescending look... it was mostly a "what the" or "oook..." kind of look. It was really cute when little kids noticed and asked there parents about it. There was this one little girl who just yelled "mommy mommy that man has boobs" We all just broke out laughing. it was so funny.

We were walking on the main level and there was these two guys walking toward us. One of them looks at me but just keeps walking. I hear someone behind me say "what the?". I turn around and both of those guys had stoped dead in there tracks staring right at me. So i give them a wink and a wave and keep on walking.

Hot Topic and Spencer's Gifts were some the better stores to visit. I was talking to two guys who worked at the Topic for a little bit. One of them, Jeff was his name, after a minute of talking to him he started flirting with me and gave me his phone number. I'm not gay, but i am Bi. So i might give him a call, but I'm a little scared to meet up with someone i don't know. Any Advise anyone?

Sara had brought her camera but we didn't get any pictures... perhaps next time. And there will defently be a next time.

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